Promotion for Spirit
Of Man album 2005
Bob Catley Interview November 25th 2005,Kåren,Gothenburg,Sweden
Why did you pick the title Spirit Of Man for your forthcoming solo album? (Release date Jan 27th 2006)
It sounded like a good title to me. Theres quite a
few titles I could have picked like In The Name Of The Cause, Blinded By A Lie.
I thought Spirit Of Man was the best one.
It sounds a bit Magnum-ish maybe thats what sold it to me. The whole idea
was to make a commercial album.
Its kind of catchy not so heavy metal or epic. I cant be doing the
epic stuff all time but one song is and its called End Of The Story.
But the album has its epic moments of course thats typical me.
I think its going to do well, I hope so. Its on Frontiers that are
doing a good job for me.
I have a lot of good people around and Im very pleased with the outcome.
Will there be any singles released from it?
You better ask Frontiers. I havent heard anything about a single.
Are there any songs left that didnt make the album?
Theres a couple of tracks left. But I think they are
going to be for Japan as bonus tracks.
One song is called Temptation, which is a song I would have like on the album
but everyone agreed that it should be left for Japan.
Its very good, very rocky. It would have fitted great but you cant
have them all on there.
You gotta have some bonus tracks. The Japanese labels always ask what else you
Both Spirit Of Man & When Empires Burn have some
more hardrock/metal tracks on them.
Is that something you would like go deeper into on a future album maybe more
in the style of Judas Priest & Iron Maiden?
I dont mind. Whatever that feels good for me to sing.
I like the old heavy metal stuff as well as the melodic and the ballads.
Maybe Im at the wrong age of doing that. There were a few songs on When
Empires Burn that were metal indeed. Written by Paul Hodson.
Are there any plans for solo shows in Sweden 2006?
Well its a little early to say. Next year Tony Clarkin
will be recording the next Magnum album
and I will be with him on occasion sometimes. But Im mainly promoting
Spirit Of Man as such
as I can throughout the year including festivals and whatever my agent/tour
manager Annie can get me.
And Tonys fine with that, its all very good. Tony knows I have to
promote stuff outside of Magnum as well.
I would love to do Sweden Rock. Magnum did it this year, which was very good.
Well see the world is my oyster next year and well see what happens.
I will be doing a British tour in April and hopefully some European slots depending
on whom I can get on with as the opening act.
I will be headlining in the UK but supporting in Europe. Which is fine by me.
Put me on any stage and
Ill kick up a storm. I got a very good band at the moment. So I look forward
to that, Sweden hopefully.
Sweden Rock of course if I can get it
Who would you like to work with on future solo albums?
It would probably be down to Frontiers and say we would like
you to record with this person.
There are a lot of people I would like to work with like my friend Tobias Sammet
from Edguy.
I got and idea that might going to write me some songs next year but I dont
know if its going to be a whole album. Next time, two years time.
You have surrounded yourself with great writers over the years. How come we havent seen any credits to Bob Catley?
All my life Ive been working with Tony Clarkin who
writes brilliant songs. Who can compete with that?
I just sing them. I can do that. Im all right. But I let someone else
do the song writing.
Arranging and maybe change a lyric here and there if it needs to be changed.
But thats it and thats not writing a song now is it. Its all
been done for me.
Next year is the 20th anniversary of Vigilante. Will there be a similar tour and album as with On A Storytellers Night?
Oh! Here we go! Well well take a view on that one.
I mean when this was first mentioned we said no the 20th anniversary of On A
Storytellers Night is anybody interested?
But then people went yeah, come on. It was a good thing to be doing. We didnt
think of it, somebody else did.
And the more we thought about it we thought it wasnt such a stupid idea.
I dont know if we will carry on with this on Vigilante and then theres
20 years of Wings of Heaven.
Theres no end to it. So I feel this is a one off thing. Its been
great and has brought us back into the limelight again.
Were still promoting our latest album Brand new Morning and our Dvd Livin
The Dream,
which Storytellers is a big part of. I dont know if well be doing
this again but then stranger things have happened.
What is your favourite Magnum album?
Beside On A Storytellers Night. Sleepwalking. Its different
and I think its great.
People dont mention Sleepwalking in the same breath as Storytellers or
Wings Of Heaven,
which was our biggest sell to date. We also did an acoustic album called Keeping
The Nite Light Burning
its another one of my favourites.
Is Keeping The Nite Light Burning something you would like to do again?
Yes. I dont see why not. Its something very different.
Its a softer approach to everything and there are so many songs to choose
Theres so many that you can do acoustically.
I think its a great album. Lots of people have missed this album.
What is your favourite Magnum song?
I dont know. Hard to pick one I love them all. But
Ill say Dont Wake The Lion.
But it could have been How Far Jerusalem or Broken Wheel. It could have been
many songs.
It must be hard to pick the setlist with all these great songs?
We listen to peoples ideas but we cant please
everybody. So we have to go with what we think would go down the best.
But certain songs pick themselves like How Far Jerusalem, Les Morts Dansant,
Kingdom Of Madness & Vigilante they all have to be in there somewhere. You
just have to try to fill in the gaps.
With some songs we havent done in ages but we cant do it to different
then people would go:
Where is that song or that song. We try to please your fans with whatever we
We got such a big back catalog now so there are so many songs to choose from.
We want to please everybody as well as ourselves.
Thank you very much.
Interview by Andy Flash for Artrock webzine.